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Magnify Your Summer!
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Sign up for Summer Reading anytime between June 12 and July 31!
Our official Summer Reading kickoff celebration is on Monday, June 12th!
- Kona Ice (11am-3pm). First 50 kids to sign up will receive free shaved ice!
- Juarez Tacos food truck (11am-3pm)
- Gilbert's Place iced coffee and lemonade (11am-3pm)
- A library-wide scavenger hunt all day!
- Yard games from our "Library of Things" collection all day!
Kids & Teens:
Earn 1 ticket for every 15 minutes you read (limit 7 hours).
First day to sign up and receive tracker: June 12
First day to show tracker to librarian and get raffle tickets: June 19
Last day to get raffle tickets: July 31
Prize drawings will take place in early August. Every child or teen who finishes the 7 hour challenge will receive a free ice cream cone coupon from Miller's and a free kid's meal/mozzarella sticks from Applebee's!
Earn one raffle ticket per checkout transaction (limit = 1 ticket per day, must check out at least one reading material). There will be weekly prize drawings.

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